Today is my first day back from visiting family in Columbus and I’m feeling a little out of sorts so I’m doing The Super Easy Rainbow Book Tag! This tag was created by Jo Linsdell and I saw it on Books Are 42 If you aren’t following either of them already you really should because they are really great bloggers.

The Rules:

1. Give credit to the creator Jo Linsdell, with a link back to their post.

2. Books must be from your bookshelves. Electronic books are fine to include but you must own a copy.

3) Have fun and tag some people to do it.

How it Works:

Pick a book from your collection where the chosen color dominates the cover. So one book for Red, Orange, Yellow, Green, Blue, Indigo, and Violet.


Thank You, Mr. Moto is the second book in John P. Marquand’s popular spy espionage series.


The Chinese Orange Mystery is the eighth Ellery Queen Detective series installment. A Foreign publisher is found dead, a tangerine is upset from a fruit bowl, and Ellery Queen must solve this baffling mystery from the Golden Age of mystery.


Rex Stout’s Tecumseh Fox has a financier banker who was shot- twice- with two different weapons. This PI sees double in his first mystery, Double for Death.


Pat and Jean Abbott have been invited to an English country house for the weekend and find themselves embroiled in a good old fashioned country house murder in The Applegreen Cat by Frances Crane. You can read my review here.


In Tom Mead’s Death and the Conjuror, a magician becomes an amateur sleuth and solves three locked-room mysteries.


PI’s Bertha Cool and Donald Lam are flying blind trying to find a missing girl, and a missing hundred dollar bill in Bats Fly at Dusk by A. A. Fair.


Flavia De Luce must find who killed a celebrated puppeteer during a show at her local church in Alan Bradley’s The Weed That String’s the Hangman’s Bag.

What a delightful tag, and if anyone reading this post wants to join in, consider yourself tagged!

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