Summer is here and I want to dive head first into some fun summer vibes. The original creator of the Summer Vibes Book Tag is Deanna @ the comfy reader.


  • Mention the creator and link back to the original post! (Deanna @ The Comfy Reader)
  • Thank the blogger who tagged you (I tagged myself, LOL!)
  • Answer all the prompts below however you see fit.
  • Tag some friends!
  • Feel free to use the graphics.

Sun, sand, sea and murder are all in Agatha Christie’s A Caribbean Mystery! Join Miss Marple as she hunts a killer terrorizing a struggling seaside hotel.

Nero Wolfe and Archie Goodwin investigate the death of a tempermental and enemy prone conductor who used to be a guerrilla fighter with Wolfe in his youth. This is the first installment of the New Nero Wolfe Mysteries written by Robert Goldsborough and it is a pitch perfect continuation of Nero Wolfe and Archie Goodwin’s dynamic.

Okay, so this pick isn’t exactly seasonal, but it’s bursting with secrets and when the final one is revealed in a shocking twist, you’ll thank me for recommending The Christmas Guest. Part country manor house mystery, part thriller, part ghost story, part yuletide merriment, this book is sure to delight. I highly recommend the audiobook version which has lots of auditory cues woven into the performance.

Miss Withers is going on a pleasure cruise to England when a shipboard romance leads to scandal, murder, suicide. The mysterious killer follows the ship’s passenger’s once on dry land and start’s bumping them off one by one. Miss Withers teams up with a novice English policeman to solve this spree of connected cases.

I unabashedly love reading girl detective series such as Nancy Drew. The girl’s are often a time capsule of the attitudes and trends of when they were written. Obviously some have aged poorly, but on the whole, their light, fun, and engaging reads.

One of the core themes in The Maid is learning to distinguish true friendship from people who use and abuse people who are starved for affection. Molly, the Maid, reeling from the death of her grandmother finds herself in the middle of a murder investigation and only escapes a terrible prison sentence by learning the true meaning of friendship.

On a road trip to Queenscliff for a little seaside vacation, Phryne and her daughter’s run into murder, mayhem and a treasure hunt. I haven’t finished reading this adventure, but a review is coming soon.

The Seven of Calvary was the first mystery by Anthony Boucher that I’ve ever read and it really turned me against wanting to read more of his work. I stacked the deck in his favor- a golden age mystery set on a college campus is usually a good start, but this mystery was marred by horrible misogyny and a lot of weird or violent sexual scenes. It’s truly made me uncomfortable and even though many people have reassured me that The Seven of Calvary isn’t Boucher’s standard faire, I’ve had no desire to read more of his books.

Death Comes to Marlow is a cozy mystery through and through. There’s a lot of zany hijinks, an actually well crafted mystery, crosswords, tangling with an evil swan, and of course a lot good beats about friendship growing stronger. The stakes are lower in Death Comes to Marlow than in it’s predecessor, but it’s a light, enjoyable summer read.

Oh god, the villain in Out of the Past is so deliciously annoying that I actually cheered when he’s found murdered in a changing room on the beach. Was I cheering for this smarmy, blackmailing, oily charlatan to get stabbed from page one…yes. I highly recommend Out of the Past for readers who love for the villain to get his just desserts.

If you want to do the Summer Vibes Book Tag, consider yourself tagged.

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