This summer, I’ve been on a journey with my book collection, particularly my TBR. The massive book-buying haul we did as we drove through Iowa and Nebraska left me feeling overwhelmed. But I’ve decided to change my perspective. Instead of seeing my TBR as a mountain to conquer, I’m using this tag to rediscover the joy of exploring my TBR.

When I discovered The TBR Book Tag on Panic At The Book Store, I was inspired by its positive take on TBRs. I’m still trying to find out who created it, but I’m eager to share this experience with you. If you’re interested, I invite you to join in. Consider yourself tagged for this uplifting book tag.

How do you keep track of your TBR List.

I used to use Goodreads, but now I just have a spreadsheet where I track my books. The spreadsheet has all the minutiae, such as the book’s number in the series when it was initially published, along with what I find interesting about the title and when I might want to read it. I put a line through it when I finish reading something and post it. I also have a separate sheet for the monthly 8-10 books I am trying to focus on.

Is your TBR mostly print or e-book?

Although I much prefer print books—paperbacks are my preference—I have most of my mystery book collection in a digital format. I travel a lot, and many of the paperbacks that I do own are secondhand—and not always in the best shape for going on a trip or have been passed down from relatives, so I don’t want to travel with them. I also have a sizable audiobook collection and frequently use my library system.

How do you determine which book from your TBR to read next?

I have a list in my head that I’m excited about, and I try to read a few of those a month. I also like to read seasonally appropriate books because I find them fun. When I need more time to jump out to me or feel overwhelmed with choices, I will choose a monthly theme that usually picks a diverse group of books. Participating in reading challenges also pulls me out of my comfort zone but still leaves me in control of what I read, unlike using a random title or number generator to pick my reads for the month or quarter.

A book that has been on your TBR the longest?

It’s probably the Grey Mask by Patricia Wentworth. I started it in 2022 and then stopped due to work commitments. I made promises throughout 2023 that I was finally going to finish it, and well, we are halfway through 2024, and I still need to finish it.

A book you recently added to your TBR?

I added a few cat-themed books to my TBR in June for #ReadingtheMeow2024. I wasn’t sure if I had enough feline-centric stories to do a post every day for the week it ran. I did, but who doesn’t like cats and books? They’ll keep it until next year.

A book on your TBR strictly because of it’s beautiful cover.

I own all of the Agatha Christie stories in this collection in old paperbacks, but the beautiful cover made me repurchase them. I have no regrets, and the audiobook version, which has stories read by Hugh Fraser and Joan Hickson, is a true masterpiece.

A book on your TBR that you never actually plan on reading

I’ve read The Hansome Cab and seen a few different versions on TV, but I’m not impressed by the story. I’ve read a couple of Fergus Hume’s works and am currently reading The Mandarin Fan by him. I don’t think I’m a fan of Hume’s mysteries.

An unpublished book on your TBR that your excited for.

I am a massive fan of Mary Roberts Rinehart’s books, and I can’t wait to get a copy of the American Mystery Classics 2024 reprint of The Door, which will be released on December 3rd, 2024.

A book on your TBR that basically everyone has read but you.

The Appeal by Janice Hallett and Everyone on this Train is a Suspect by Benjamin Stevenson come to mind, but there are many. I could improve at reading recent releases.

A book on your TBR that everyone recommends to you.

I just read The Maid by Nita Prose and was very tempted to dive right into The Mystery Guest, but due to my busy work schedule, I’ve been mostly reading via audiobook and have yet to have a moment to crack into my hardback version. So many people have recommended it to me, and I hope to get to it this summer.

A book on your TBR that you’re very excited to read.

I found E.R. Punshon’s first Bobby Owen mystery, Information Received, just so-so, but after reading Curtis Evans’s introductory essay in my copy of Death Among the Sunbathers, I’m keen to learn about fanatical sunbathers and the rising nudist movement sweeping England.

The Number of books on your Goodreads Shelf.

It’s unknown and probably inaccurate, given that I stopped using it sometime in 2023, but on my Kindle, there are about 600 unread books.

So how are you feeling about your TBR? What are you excited to read?

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